Rachel Martiniak
Community Contributor
Senior eLearning Specialist
Feb 17, 2020 8:36:15 AM
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I'm a Senior eLearning Specialist at the University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign and provide support for Canvas, Catalog, and related educational technologies at the university. I'm also a Canvas Certified Educator (Higher Ed) and Canvas Certified Technical Admin.
Most Liked Posts
Thank you for your work on this! This is definitely needed functionality that our faculty have been waiting for. I know we'll have a number of people interested in using this so I've taken som...
First, I’m very excited about being able to add multiple due dates to discussions so thank you for the work that’s been done so far! That said, I spent a good part of last week testing checkpoints and...
+1 to the comments from @SomeHandyGuy and @milesl I work in higher education and I anticipate these issues being a common occurrence, especially for our larger courses if they opt for usin...
I am definitely looking forward to this!! This functionality is a frequent request from our instructors. To add to @ProfessorBeyrer 's comment, in the long run, we'd likely be interested i...
I just wanted to echo what many of these comments have pointed out about the update to the sections being added to the course tray. At our institution, we aren’t as likely to have users added to more ...
Most Recent Posts
@SamGarza1 - Are these updates delayed in Beta? I just checked but I'm not seeing the updated SpeedGrader interface in our beta instance. I can add checkpoints but I'm not able to see the ...
On the Import Content Page, I'm curious to know why the button text is changing from "Import" to "+ Add to Import Queue"? The current text (just saying "Import") seems ...
For the Login & Registration Enhancements, are we going to be able to modify the background of the left side of the screen or will it always be white? Our current logo/wordmark includes our univer...
This issue has been fixed and is no longer an issue in production. I don't see a way for me to mark this idea as completed/closed, but it can be! Thank you!
Hello! I'm just getting started testing this feature option and opened a couple of cases about some issues that I identified in case it's helpful for others.
From Case 11367932, there appear t...
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