
Carrie Dickson
Community Explorer
Aug 18, 2020 2:14:39 PM
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An amazing Instructure Community member

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Also maybe instead of a predetermined pronouns a fill-in as there are over 100 pronouns.
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I like this one as well. Happy Pride Month! 
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A better way to organize course enrollments, current courses on top instead of by alphabetical order or a drop-down menu by term. 
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We found that when you access Studio through a course it will show up in the Course Media on your account and if you delete the content it will delete in the main account (course) where it is from, so...
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We found that when you access Studio through a course it will show up in the Course Media on your account and if you delete the content it will delete in the main account (course) where it is from, so...
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Also maybe instead of a predetermined pronouns a fill-in as there are over 100 pronouns.
Aug 05, 2022 10:18 AM
I like this one as well. Happy Pride Month! 
Jun 08, 2021 09:31 AM
A better way to organize course enrollments, current courses on top instead of by alphabetical order or a drop-down menu by term. 
Feb 24, 2021 17:21 PM
We found that when you access Studio through a course it will show up in the Course Media on your account and if you delete the content it will delete in the main account (course) where it is from, so...
Feb 24, 2021 09:48 AM
We found that when you access Studio through a course it will show up in the Course Media on your account and if you delete the content it will delete in the main account (course) where it is from, so...
Aug 18, 2020 15:16 PM

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