[ARCHIVED] How do you re-order quizzes?

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Community Novice

Hi there,

I simply want to re-order the multiple quizzes that I have created within one of my courses, but there is no simple option for re-ordering them. I can't drag and drop, and no obvious way in any drop-down menus to alter the order.


If I wanted "The Vikings" to be at the top, how do I do this?

And why wouldn't you simple be able to drag and drop like Assignments, Discussions, and virtually everything else in Canvas?



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1 Solution
Community Champion

 @mark_anderson ‌,

Quizzes are arranged by their due date and then alphabetically when there are more than one due at the same time (or undated). Since you have no due dates listed, they all appear together in alphabetical order.

You can move "The Vikings" to the top of the Quizzes page by renaming it to come before "Columbus" or you can put a due date on it.

Or you can take advantage of one of the other places where you can drag and drop to order. You can also put the quizzes onto the Modules page and then put them in any order that you want them to appear in. You can also drag them into a different position on the Assignments page.

Some faculty hide the navigation tabs for pages with types of ordering they don't want the students to use, so you could hide the quizzes page from the students if the order is really important and you're unable to establish a due date for it.

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