Hi @rcojones ...
I have an idea: Allow instructors to choose whether they want their students to see the 'Quizzes' in course menu item, then we can reassess and see whether a "majority of instructors here in the Community do use the 'Modules' index page to lay out their course content for their students".
This is already possible. Again, I refer you to the reply from James Jones. In his last paragraph, he stated, "Some faculty hide the navigation tabs for pages with types of ordering they don't want the students to use, so you could hide the quizzes page from the students if the order is really important and you're unable to establish a due date for it." If you were to hide the "Quizzes" course navigation menu from your students (so that you would see a crossed out eye icon next to the "Quizzes" name), your students would never see the "Quizzes" course navigation menu in their course, and they could then access the entire layout/content of your course all through your "Modules" screen. See How do I manage Course Navigation links? for more information.
I do understand what you are saying, Robert. And again, I can see how the way you describe the course setup could be helpful to you and your students. Without knowing exactly what your curriculum looks like and how you typically set things up, it can be challenging at times to know how best to provide assistance. With that being said, I'm going to make some assumptions here... I'm assuming that you have other content in your course besides just quizzes. And, I'm assuming that you have some sort of layout for your course using the "Modules" screen. (For example, in my former role as a Canvas administrator in higher education, we had "Learning Plans" as our course modules. But other schools might have "Lesson Plans", "Lesson #", "Chapter #", "Module #", or they even might name the module according to the specific topic within the class...such as "Building a Camp Fire", etc.) If you kept the "Quizzes" course navigation menu visible to your students, then they would need to go to that screen every time there was a quiz to take. On the "Quizzes" screen, you can't make modules like you can on your "Modules" screen. So, you'd have to name each of your quizzes so that your students could easily find them in the list. By hiding the "Quizzes" course navigation menu and adding those quizzes directly to the appropriate module(s), you're providing an easy way for students to find the module and the quiz that they are supposed to take.
Some of your students may be taking other courses at your school, and those other instructors may be using the "Modules" screen to organize their content. Or, some of your students may have taken other courses at other schools that have also used Canvas where the "Modules" screen was also the common way they accessed all course content. So, you might want to keep that in mind as well...as they may be looking for a similar layout to something they've experienced in the past.
In my earlier responses to you, I didn't directly mention this...though it was explained in one of the linked Guides that I provided... if you use the "Modules" page, you can have your students "check off" things that they have completed. Again, this is documented here:
You may also be aware...but you do have the option to submit ideas here in the Community...if you would like to see enhancements to the way that Canvas currently functions. This can be done in the recently revised "Ideas and Themes" (formerly Feature Ideas) space here in the Community. Please take a few moments to familiarize yourself with the Guides listed under "Ideas and Themes" located here: Community - Instructure Community (canvaslms.com).
I don't know if any of this will be of help or not, but I wanted to give a few more resources for you...and $0.02 ... for what it's worth. Thanks.
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