Discussions Overview (Students)
In this video, you will learn how to view, reply to, and edit discussion posts.
Last updated 2025-02-06
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Note: Hidden discussions may be accessed either through a direct link provided by the instructor or through links on other pages in Canvas, such as modules, announcements, and assignments.
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Discussion Overview (Students) Video Script
In this video, you will learn how to view, reply to, and edit discussion posts. To get started, click the Discussions link in Course Navigation. From the Discussions Index page, you can view all discussions in your course, filter discussions to view all or unread discussions, search for a specific discussion by title or keyword, and, if enabled by your instructor, you can start a new discussion.
By default, when you view a discussion, unread replies are automatically marked as read when you scroll past them. You can manage this option by clicking the Settings icon. Select the Manually mark posts as read checkbox to keep track of which posts still need review when you view a discussion, Click the Save Settings button when you are done.
The Discussions Index page is organized into three areas: Pinned Discussions, Discussions, and Closed for Comments. The Pinned section displays a list of discussions that your instructor wants to show at the top of your Discussions page. The Discussions section displays a list of current discussions with most recently active listed first. The Closed for Comments section displays a list of discussions with expired availability dates and discussions that have been manually closed.
Graded discussions display the assignment icon, and discussions that require a peer review display the peer review icon. Dates display for graded discussions, and for discussions with assigned to-do dates. Click the subscribe icon to subscribe or unsubscribe to a discussion. You can also view the number of unread and total replies in a discussion.
Thanks for watching this Discussions Overview video. To learn more about Canvas, ask questions, or engage with other Canvas users, please visit community.canvaslms.com.