POST A BLOG (instcon15)


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This year InstructureCon 2015 has a live blog... w00t!

And the good news is: all conference participants can post their thoughts to the instcon blog from anywhere, at any time!

InstructureCon 2015 2015-06-10 04-33-59.png

InstructureCon 2015 2015-06-10 04-34-21.png

You can also email your post directly to the InstructureCon 2015 blog:


Not the blogging type? Don't know what to blog about? Nonsense! Here are a few tips to get you started:

  • Create a post during a session.
    If you are the note-taking type, why not jot your notes in a blog post instead of a doc or notepad. Hit publish (or send) after the session is over. Bam! We can all learn from your a-ha moments.
  • Create a post during a nom-nom session.
    Reflecting with a group of colleagues over a meal? Bust out your mobile device and type in the 2-3 take-aways from the group chat.
  • Create a post after an impromptu conversation.
    Did you catch a few minutes of Josh Coates's time? Did you chat with a sponsor at the partner showcase? Did someone generally impress you during a ride up an elevator? Blog about it.
  • Create a midnight post.
    Sitting in bed re-hashing the day's events. Stop staring at the ceiling. Get up. Type a few sentences. Post it. Now you can go back to sleep with a clear mind.

Want another incentive? Those who live blog during the conference may possibly earn a limited-edition digital badge on your profile.

NOTE: Remember you must be logged in to the Community in order to add a post.