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Canvas Release Notes (2018-10-27)

Canvas Release Notes (2018-10-27)

In this production release (October 27), the Developer Keys Management and Scoping feature option has been enabled for all institutions, which allows admins to create and manage API tokens created for third-party tools.

For students, the List View Dashboard displays a summary for course events, and course links within the Grades menu direct to the Grades page instead of the home page. Additionally, in the Card View and Recent Activity Dashboard sidebars and the Course Home Page sidebar, the Coming Up section has been removed for students. In both the dashboards and sidebars, the Pages icon has been updated.

Feature Options

  • For institutions using Anonymous Grading, student names do not display in the Gradebook History if an assignment was graded anonymously.
  • For institutions using the New Gradebook, the search filter supports searching by SIS ID.
  • For institutions using Moderated Grading, graders can access SpeedGrader in a read-only state after the maximum number of graders for a moderated assignment has been reached.
  • For institutions using Student Context Cards, cards display initials for students without profile pictures.

External Tools (LTI)

  • For institutions using the Google Apps and Microsoft Office 365 LTIs, students and instructors can view the status of assignment submission file uploads.
  • For institutions using the Commons LTI, admins can add instructors as curators, customize search filters, and identify content as approved for the institution.

Upcoming Features (Beta Only)

  • For video recordings in the Rich Content Editor, HTML5 can be used instead of flash in Firefox and Chrome browsers.

Release notes describe upcoming Canvas functionality and are subject to change.

Feature Options

The following feature options are addressed in this release:

  • Account: Student Context Card
  • Course: Anonymous Grading, New Gradebook, Moderated Grading
Canvas release summary by user roleCanvas New Release ScreencastCanvas Release Collaborative ChatCanvas API Change Log

Release Notes Change Log

  New Features



Analytics Beta LTI

Location to Enable Feature

Course Navigation

Configuration Details

Analytics Beta LTI

Affected Canvas Areas

Course Navigation - Analytics Beta Link

Beta/Test Environment Support

Beta Environment

Affects User Interface


Affected User Roles

Admins, Instructors, Designers, TAs



Analytics Beta is an LTI tool that provides improved analytics for tracking student data using an interactive chart or table. Analytics Beta will eventually replace current course and account analytics. However, Analytics Beta and the current course Analytics functionality can be used concurrently.

Change Benefit

This feature allows admin, instructor, TA, and designer roles to view improved analytics functionality and provide functional feedback for additional analytics development.

LTI Rollout Schedule

Analytics Beta LTI will be added to all production environments on Monday, October 29.

Admins who do not want this tool enabled for their institution’s production account can uninstall the LTI tool in the Account Settings Apps tab after the indicated rollout date.

Additional Details

For full details about Analytics Beta LTI, please see the Canvas Release: Analytics Beta (Course Grade) document.

Feature Idea Contributions

Canvas features are always welcome to feedback. Product teams may make adjustments at any time via the Canvas Feature Idea process.

  Updated Features



Google Drive and Microsoft Office Assignment Submission Status

Location to Enable Feature


Configuration Details

Microsoft Office LTI, Google Apps LTI

Supported in Beta Environment


Affected Canvas Areas

Assignments, SpeedGrader, Gradebook

Affects User Interface


Affected User Roles

Instructors, Students



Students and instructors can view the status of Google Apps and Microsoft Office 365 assignment submission file uploads.

Change Benefit

This change informs students and instructors of assignment file upload status.

Affected User Roles & Behaviors


Students can view the status of a file upload from the assignment details page. Successful submissions display a link to download the document. Unsuccessful submissions display an Upload Failed icon. Submissions that are queued for upload display an Uploading icon.


Upload status in the Student assignment details page


Students can also view the status of a file upload from the Submissions Details page. Successful submissions display a link to download the document. Unsuccessful submissions display an Upload Failed icon. Submissions that are queued for upload display an Uploading icon.


Upload status in the student submission details page


A student’s grades page also displays the status of an assignment submission. The score column displays a submission icon for successful upload, an Upload Failed icon for failed uploads, and an Uploading icon for queued submissions.


Upload status in the student grades page



Instructors can view the status of a student’s assignment submission in the Gradebook. The score column displays a submission icon for successful uploads, an Upload Failed icon for failed uploads, and an Uploading icon for queued submissions.


Upload status in the instructor gradebook


Upload Failed icons also display in Gradebook Comments for failed submission uploads.


Upload status in the instructor gradebook comments



The DocViewer window displays an Upload Failed image for unsupported file types and failed submission uploads. Additionally, SpeedGrader displays an Upload Failed icon for failed submission uploads.


Example of an upload fail in SpeedGrader


DocViewer displays an Uploading image for queued submissions, and SpeedGrader displays an Uploading icon next to assignment upload name links.


Example of assignment submission upload in SpeedGrader

Feature Idea Contributions

Canvas features are always welcome to feedback. Product teams may make adjustments at any time via the Canvas Feature Idea process.


Approved Content

Location to Enable Feature

Commons LTI

Configuration Details

Commons LTI

Affected Canvas Areas

Commons LTI

Beta/Test Environment Support

Functionality affects content in the beta environment only; New/updated features not available until production deploy


Course Content - add / edit / delete

Affects User Interface


Affected User Roles

Admins, Instructors



Content uploaded to Canvas can be approved by account admins or curators. Approved content is indicated by a banner and image, both of which can be customized by an administrator.

Change Benefit

This change allows admins to manage approved content and customize what users see in search results. Approved content is easily identifiable with custom branding.


Affected User Roles & Behaviors


Admins can allow content to be displayed as approved for their institution. Content can be marked as approved when uploading new content or by editing the resource.

In Account Settings, admins can also customize image branding for approved content and choose to prioritize approved content in search results.

Commons Account Settings option for allowing approved content in an account


Instructors can easily find and import content approved by their institution by looking for the assigned image in the content card.

Instructors can view approved content in Commons with a custom icon and background

Feature Idea Contributions

Canvas features are always welcome to feedback. Product teams may make adjustments at any time via the Canvas Feature Idea process.

Curator Permission

Location to Enable Feature

Commons LTI

Configuration Details

Commons LTI

Affected Canvas Areas

Commons LTI

Beta/Test Environment Support

Functionality affects content in the beta environment only; New/updated features not available until production deploy


Course Content - add / edit / delete

Affects User Interface


Affected User Roles

Admins, Instructors



Admins can add users as content curators in Commons. Curators and admins can mark resources in Commons as approved.


Change Benefit

This change allows admins to add users as curators to assist in the content approval and management process.


Affected User Roles & Behaviors


Admins can add or remove users as curators in account settings. Both curators and admins can approve content and manage approved content.

Admins can add curators in Commons account settings


Instructors added to Commons as a curator can manage and upload approved resources.

Instructors can share approved content if they are added as curators

Feature Idea Contributions

Canvas features are always welcome to feedback. Product teams may make adjustments at any time via the Canvas Feature Idea process.

Default Search Filters

Location to Enable Feature

Commons LTI

Configuration Details

Commons LTI

Affected Canvas Areas

Commons LTI

Beta/Test Environment Support

Functionality affects content in the beta environment only; New/updated features not available until production deploy


Course Content - add / edit / delete

Affects User Interface


Affected User Roles

Admins, Instructors



Admins can configure default search filters in Commons. Search settings include showing only approved content and filtering content based on grade/level or publicity settings.

Change Benefit

This change allows admins to manage approved resources and customize what users see in search results. When users search for content, the customized search filters make approved and relevant content easier to find.


Affected User Roles & Behaviors


Admins can configure search results to filter specific content. Search settings can be configured in account settings to show approved content first, filter by grade/level, and filter by the content publicity settings. Admins can also add custom branding for approved resources.

Admins can configure search content in the Commons account settings


Automatically filtered search results make it easier to find approved content or content from a specific grade/level or a specific institution, consortium, or group.

Instructors can view approved content in search results

Feature Idea Contributions

Canvas features are always welcome to feedback. Product teams may make adjustments at any time via the Canvas Feature Idea process.


List View Dashboard Calendar Event View


Location to Enable Feature


Configuration Details


Affected Canvas Areas

List View Dashboard

Affects User Interface


Affected User Roles


In the List View Dashboard, the link for an event displays a summary window that includes the event date, location, and event details.

Change Benefit
This change allows students to quickly view details for an event without having to view the event directly in the Calendar.

Affected User Roles & Behaviors
When course events display as part of the List View Dashboard, students can click the event and view a summary window that includes the event’s date, location, and any details provided by the instructor. Students can still access the event in the Calendar by clicking the name of the event in the window.

Calendar update in List View Dashboard

Feature Idea Contributions

Canvas features are always welcome to feedback. Product teams may make adjustments at any time via the Canvas Feature Idea process.

List View Dashboard Grades Link Update


Location to Enable Feature


Configuration Details


Affected Canvas Areas

List View Dashboard

Affects User Interface


Affected User Roles


In the Grades menu, the course link directs to the Grades page instead of the home page.

Change Benefit
This change allows students to directly access the Grades page for the course.

Affected User Roles & Behaviors
When a student views the Grades menu, clicking the name of a course directs to the Grades page. Previously the link directed to the course home page.

Grades in the List View Dashboard open to the grades page in the course

Feature Idea Contributions

Canvas features are always welcome to feedback. Product teams may make adjustments at any time via the Canvas Feature Idea process.

Student Dashboard Sidebar Updates


Location to Enable Feature


Configuration Details


Affected Canvas Areas

Card View & Recent Activity Dashboard

Affects User Interface


Affected User Roles



In the Card View and Recent Activity Dashboard sidebars and the Course Home Page sidebar, the Coming Up section has been removed for students. The To Do list displays up to seven items instead of five, and items may be included that are due more than two weeks in advance.

Change Benefit

This change aligns consistency with content display in the List View Dashboard and the Calendar.

Affected User Roles & Behaviors


In the Dashboard sidebar, the Coming Up section is not included for students. To accommodate this change, the To Do list displays up to seven items instead of five. For the date range, the To Do list still displays items no older than two weeks until removed manually, but the list can include items that are due more than two weeks in advance. Previously the list would only include items due up to two weeks in advance.

In a course home page, the Coming Up sidebar has also been removed. The View Calendar link has been changed to a button located at the top of the sidebar.

Dashboard and Course Sidebar Update without the Coming Up section

Feature Idea Contributions

Canvas features are always welcome to feedback. Product teams may make adjustments at any time via the Canvas Feature Idea process.

Developer Keys

Developer Key Management and Scoping Feature Option Enforcement

This feature is used in conjunction with an existing feature option in Canvas that is being enabled for all institutions. Please view the content below for additional details.                 

Location to Enable Feature

Developer Keys

Configuration Details

N/A; Developer Key Management and Scoping Feature Option enabled for all accounts

Affected Canvas Areas

Developer Keys


Developer Keys - manage

Related APIs

OAuth2 - Developer Keys, Developer Keys API

Affects User Interface


Affected User Roles



The Developer Key Management and Scoping Feature Option has been enabled for all Canvas institutions and applies to Canvas admins. This feature allows admins to manage the state and actions of API keys created for third-party tools.

Change Benefit

These changes allow admins to control direct access and specific API endpoints for a third-party tool associated with their institution.

Affected User Roles & Behaviors


Admins: This feature option is enabled but still visible in Account Settings. However, it will be removed as a feature option in the 2018-11-17 release. 

All functionality for this feature is noted in the Canvas Release Notes (2018-07-14).

Developer Keys page with scopes option

Feature Idea Contributions

Canvas features are always welcome to feedback. Product teams may make adjustments at any time via the Canvas Feature Idea process.


Gradebook History Anonymity


Location to Enable Feature

Assignments - Anonymous Grading

Configuration Details

Anonymous Grading Feature Option

Affected Canvas Areas

Gradebook History

Related APIs

Gradebook History API

Affects User Interface


Affected User Roles



Student names do not display in the Gradebook History if an assignment was graded anonymously.

Change Benefit
This change helps preserve anonymity in the Gradebook History page.

Affected User Roles & Behaviors

If a user searches for a student in the Gradebook History page, any entries related to an anonymously graded assignment do not return in the search results.

If the anonymous grading option is removed from the assignment at a later time, the Gradebook History page displays an icon showing that the assignment was previously graded anonymously.

Gradebook history does not show student names for assignments graded anonymously

Feature Idea Contributions

Canvas features are always welcome to feedback. Product teams may make adjustments at any time via the Canvas Feature Idea process.

Moderated Grading

SpeedGrader Maximum Grader Access

This feature is used in conjunction with an existing feature option in Canvas. Please view the content below for additional details. For more information about feature options, please see the Canvas Release Notes FAQ.                  

Location to Enable Feature

Assignments - Moderated Grading

Configuration Details

Moderated Grading Feature Option

Affected Canvas Areas


Affects User Interface


Affected User Roles



Graders can access SpeedGrader in a read-only state after the maximum number of graders for a moderated assignment has been reached.


Change Benefit

This change allows graders to always view SpeedGrader even if they cannot directly grade submissions for an assignment. Previously, once the grader limit had been reached for a moderated assignment, graders were not able to access SpeedGrader at all.

Affected User Roles & Behaviors


Graders in the course are able to view any moderated assignment in SpeedGrader, even after the maximum number of graders for the assignment has been reached. The assignment is displayed in a read-only state until after the assignment has been moderated. DocViewer is also displayed in a read-only state and annotations cannot be added.

SpeedGrader is read only for graders who are over the maximum number of graders set for the assignment

Feature Idea Contributions

Canvas features are always welcome to feedback. Product teams may make adjustments at any time via the Canvas Feature Idea process.

New Gradebook

SIS ID Filter

This feature is used in conjunction with an existing feature option in Canvas. Please view the content below for additional details. For more information about feature options, please see the Canvas Release Notes FAQ.                  

Location to Enable Feature

New Gradebook

Configuration Details

New Gradebook Feature Option

Affected Canvas Areas

New Gradebook

Affects User Interface


Affected User Roles


The New Gradebook search filter supports searching by SIS ID.

Change Benefit
This change allows instructors to search for a specific user by SIS ID.

Affected User Roles & Behaviors


Instructors can use the search field to search for a specific user by SIS ID. Relevant search results display in the Gradebook rows.

New Gradebook supports searching via SIS ID

Feature Idea Contributions

Canvas features are always welcome to feedback. Product teams may make adjustments at any time via the Canvas Feature Idea process.

Rich Content Editor

HTML5 Media Recorder

This feature can be enabled in Canvas through a feature option in Account Settings. Please view the content below for additional details. For more information about feature options, please see the Canvas Release Notes FAQ.                  

Feature Availability

Beta environment only. Production availability is subject to change.

Information will be updated when available.

Location to Enable Feature

Account Settings - Feature Options

Configuration Details

HTML5 Media Recorder in RCE Feature Option

Affected Canvas Areas

Rich Content Editor

Affects User Interface


Affected User Roles

All Users


For video recordings in the Rich Content Editor, HTML5 can be used instead of flash in Firefox and Chrome browsers.

Change Benefit

This change allows recorded media without requiring flash within the Firefox and Chrome browsers. Internet Explorer and Safari are not supported.

Affected User Roles & Behaviors

All Users

Users can click the Media button in the Rich Content Editor and view an improved interface when recording media. Users can confirm their microphone and webcam, and if more than one device is supported, select which device should be used.

Note: The browser may briefly display a flash message, even though flash is not required. Additionally, the browser may ask to allow access to the computer’s microphone and webcam before initial use.

When a HTML5-supported page is being created or edited, the computer’s microphone and webcam are activated, even if the Rich Content Editor Media window has not yet been open. The microphone and webcam will no longer be active after the user saves the page content or navigates away from the page.

The following feature areas currently support the HTML5 update:

  • Assignments
  • Announcements
  • Discussions
  • SpeedGrader comments

Remaining Canvas areas still require flash and will be switched to support HTML5 media in the next release.

Rich Content Editor HTML5 Media window


Feature Idea Contributions 

Canvas features are always welcome to feedback. Product teams may make adjustments at any time via the Canvas Feature Idea process.

  Other Updates



Dashboard Pages Icon Update 


Location to Enable Feature


Configuration Details


Affected Canvas Areas

List View Dashboard, Card View Dashboard, Recent Activity Dashboard

Affects User Interface


Affected User Roles



The Pages icon has been updated in the List View Dashboard and the To Do List sidebar in the Card View and Recent Activity Dashboards.


Change Benefit

This change aligns the Pages icon with other areas in Canvas.


Affected User Roles & Behaviors


Pages with a To Do date display to students with an updated icon. This icon matches the Page icon located in other Canvas areas.

Dashboard List View page icon update

Student Context Cards

Profile Initials


Location to Enable Feature

Account Settings - Feature Options

Configuration Details

Student Context Card Feature Option

Affected Canvas Areas

Any course location with a link to a student’s name

Affects User Interface


Affected User Roles



Student Context Cards displays profile initials for students without profile pictures. Initials are based on the first name and last name of the student’s display name.

Change Benefits

This change upgrades the current interface functionality of non-profile-picture user accounts. Previously student images without profile pictures displayed a gray profile outline.

Affected User Roles & Behaviors

All Users

In any location where student context cards are supported, students without profile pictures display the initials of their name as their profile picture.

Student Context Cards show initials for students without profile images




API Change Log

The following changes have been made in the API Documentation change log:

API Calls

  • Changes: Conversations API, Quiz Extensions API, Quiz Submissions API
  • Additions: Plagiarism Detection Platform Assignments API, Plagiarism Detection Submissions API

  Fixed Bugs




The Message Students Who window includes a dialog role and aria label for screen readers.


When a page generates the inactivity logged out error, the Login link in the message retains focus.

Invitation links to join a course does not include a clickable link to accept the invitation.


Unpublish and Publish Tooltips do not remain in the page indefinitely after they are viewed.

New Gradebook

The Message Students Who window retains focus in the Close button.

Rich Content Editor

When the Rich Content Editor/HTML Editor button is selected to change the editor view, focus is retained in the button.

In the Accessibility Checker issue information window, focus is retained in the Close icon. Additionally, a blue indicator displays above accessibility issues for clarification.


Google Sites RSS Feeds

Google Sites RSS Feeds create new announcements.

Explanation: When a Google Site RSS Feed was added to a course, the initial announcement after the feed was added was created, but subsequent announcements were not created. Canvas code has been updated to correct feeds created after the initial post.


All-Day Events

All-day calendar events can be changed to include specific start and end times.

Explanation: When an all-day calendar event was changed to include a specific start and end time, the event would not update and remained an all-day event. Canvas code has been updated to allow all-day calendar event times to be modified appropriately. Specific date events can also be changed to all-day calendar events.

To Do Events and Instructor Roles

The To Do option does not display for instructors in the Calendar.

Explanation: When a user had an instructor enrollment and a student enrollment in separate courses, the To Do option showed for the user in the Calendar and could be used to create To Do items for specific courses, even though the items were not able to be viewed. Canvas code has been updated to not include courses in the To Do option where a user has an instructor role.


Conversation Messages and Trust Accounts

For users in a trust account, conversation messages display in the user's Conversations Inbox regardless of the originating account.

Explanation: When a user was merged into another account that was part of a trust account, users could only view conversations if the user logged in directly to the account where the conversation was created. Canvas code has been updated to display all messages in a user's Conversations Inbox regardless of the originating account.


Accepted Enrollments

This change was deployed to the production environment on October 30.

Accepted enrollments are included in the Administrative Notifications alerts.

Explanation: When an admin or instructor enabled the preference to receive Administrative Notifications, and a new user was enrolled in a course, the admin or instructor did not receive a notification email about the accepted enrollment because accepted enrollment notifications were located in the Membership Update notification. Canvas code has been updated to send accepted enrollment notifications when the admin or instructor has enabled the preference to receive Administrative Notifications.


Latex Equations and Quiz Feedback

Equations edited in quiz answer comments do not affect data attributes.

Explanation: When a quiz comment included a Latex equation, and the quiz question was edited at a later date, the data-equation-content attribute would be removed from the quiz comment. Canvas code has been updated to retain data attributes for edited quiz questions.

Rich Content Editor

Math Advanced Equation Editor Previews

The Advanced Equation Editor displays all equation previews.

Explanation: When a user edits a question in a question bank or quiz, the equation preview from the advanced view did not always render a preview. Canvas code has been updated to improve equation previews in the Rich Content Editor.


Quizzes and Differentiated Due Dates

Quizzes can be saved without requiring a differentiated quiz to also include an Everyone Else override date.

Explanation: When the setting to require an assignment due date had been enabled in the New SIS Integration Settings feature option, quizzes assigned to a specific section or student could not be saved if the quiz did not also include an assignment assigned to everyone else in the course. Canvas code has been updated to allow quizzes to be saved without an Everyone Else override date.


Anonymous Grading Sort Consistency

Gradebook sorting behavior is consistent in SpeedGrader.

Explanation: When a user viewed an anonymous assignment in the Gradebook, clicking the SpeedGrader link for an anonymous student did not direct to the same student submission in SpeedGrader. Canvas code has been updated to align consistency for anonymous student submissions between the Gradebook and SpeedGrader.

Rubrics Free-Form Comment Reuse

This change was deployed to the production environment on October 16.

Free-form comments can be reused in SpeedGrader.

Explanation: When a comment was saved for reuse in free-form comments, the saved comment would not display in the comment menu until the page was refreshed. Canvas code has been updated to retain all saved comments for reuse in SpeedGrader.

Rubrics Sizing

This change was deployed to the production environment on October 18.

Rubrics attached to an assignment in SpeedGrader display smaller criteria, ratings, and points fields.

Explanation: Previously rubrics were changed to align all criterion to a consistent width. When instructors viewed a rubric in SpeedGrader, the layout displayed wider styling to allow for consistent rating widths. Canvas code has been updated to adjust rubrics to match their original size.

Release Notes Change Log



Added—Fixed Bugs

  • Accepted Enrollments


  • API Additions: Plagiarism Detection Platform Assignments API, Plagiarism Detection Submissions API

Added—Fixed Bugs

  • SpeedGrader: Rubrics Sizing [deployed to production]

Updated—Fixed Bugs

  • SpeedGrader: Rubrics Free-Form Comment Reuse [deployed to production]
2018-10-15Release Notes Published

Change Log

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