Ready Release Notes (2020-04-18)
Upcoming Canvas Changes
- End-of-Life functionality for all SMS Notifications except Announcements and Grading
For more information, please see Upcoming Canvas Changes
The following features will be available in the production environment on 2020-04-18:
Due and Availability Date Bulk Edit
- User Role: Instructors
- Opt-in: Yes
Admin Featured Content
- User Role: Admins
- Opt-in: No
New Instructor Tutorial Page Additions
- User Role: Instructors
- Opt-in: Yes
Multiple File Upload Enhancements
- User Role: All Users
- Opt-in: No
New Quizzes
Quiz Engine Option
- User Role: Instructors
- Opt-in: No
Release notes describe upcoming Canvas functionality and are subject to change.
- New Features
- Assignments
- Due and Availability Date Bulk Edit
- Updated Features
- Commons
- Admin Featured Content
- Courses
- New Instructor Tutorial Page Additions
- Files
- Multiple File Upload Enhancements
- New Quizzes
- Quiz Engine Option
New Features |
Due and Availability Date Bulk Edit
This feature is used in conjunction with an existing feature option in Canvas. Please view the content below for additional details. For more information about feature options, please see the Canvas Release Notes FAQ.
Feature Functionality Details | |
Affected Canvas Areas | Assignments |
Affects User Interface | Yes |
Affected User Roles | Instructors |
Feature Enhancement Ideas | |
Specified Tag for Feature Ideas | assignments |
Feature Idea Contributions | |
The Assignments page supports editing all assignment, discussion, and quiz dates in a single page.
Change Benefit
This change allows assignment dates to be adjusted at one time in the same location.
Affected User Roles
The Assignments Settings menu includes an option to Edit Assignment Dates. This option displays all existing assignments in a single page arranged by due date. Assignments with the same due date are listed in alphabetical order. The full name of an assignment is included in the hover text for the assignment.
Dates can be selected via the Calendar icon or by typing a date directly in the text field. Currently times cannot be adjusted within the page and are set to the default of 11:59 pm.
For assignments with multiple due dates, all due dates display below the Everyone Else date, and the student, section, or group is right-aligned in the assignment name column. Only due dates and availability dates can be edited in this page—details such as changing the specific group or section assigned to the assignment must be edited directly within the assignment.
Once all dates have been adjusted, changes must be saved via the Save button. The status of the page updates can be viewed in the status percentage bar, which displays the percentage of changes saved to the page.
The saving date process also validates availability dates, due dates, and course and term dates. Any errors are displayed in the page to be corrected so the dates can be saved again.
Updated Features |
Admin Featured Content
This feature is used in conjunction with an external tool (LTI) in Canvas. Please view the content below for additional details. For more information about LTI tools, please see the Canvas Release Notes FAQ.
Feature Functionality Details | |
Affected Canvas Areas | Commons LTI |
Affects User Interface | Yes |
Affected User Roles | Admins |
Feature Enhancement Ideas | |
Specified Tag for Feature Ideas | Commons |
Admins can edit a managed resource and share the resource as featured content.
Change Benefit
This change allows admins to manage featured content for their institution.
Affected User Roles
Admins can edit a managed resource and share the resource as featured content. Featured resources include a Featured banner as part of the resource, and Featured content displays at the top of the Search page.
Note: This feature does not affect resources featured by Instructure. Admins can choose to disable content featured by Instructure in Account Settings.
New Instructor Tutorial Page Additions
This feature is used in conjunction with an existing feature option in Canvas. Please view the content below for additional details. For more information about feature options, please see the Canvas Release Notes FAQ.
Feature Functionality Details | |
Affected Canvas Areas | Announcements, Assignments, Collaborations, Conferences, Discussions, Files, Grades, Course Home Page, Course Import, Modules, Pages, People, Quizzes, Settings, Syllabus |
Affects User Interface | Yes |
Affected User Roles | Instructors |
Feature Enhancement Ideas | |
Specified Tag for Feature Ideas | tutorial |
New Instructor Canvas tutorials have been added to Outcomes, Rubrics, and New Analytics. A tutorial is also included for the Zoom LTI integration page.
Change Benefit
This change adds feature overview information to pages that previously did not include tutorials.
Affected User Roles
When enabled for an account, New Instructor Tutorials display for instructors in newly created courses. Tutorial pages display in Outcomes, Rubrics, and New Analytics pages to provide additional resources and information about these features. Additionally, because of the number of customers using Zoom as a conferencing tool, the Zoom LTI integration page also includes a tutorial.
Multiple File Upload Enhancements
Feature Functionality Details | Files |
Affected Canvas Areas | Files |
Affects User Interface | Yes |
Affected User Roles | Instructors |
Feature Enhancement Ideas | View existing Files feature ideas |
Specified Tag for Feature Ideas | Files |
Course Files has been updated to clarify support of drag-and-drop functionality.
Change Benefit
This change helps users more easily discover how to upload multiple files to Canvas.
Affected User Roles & Behaviors
All Users
The Course Files page and User Files page have been updated with minor adjustments to clarify support of drag-and-drop functionality in the main page and within individual folders.
Empty folders show how to upload multiple files within the page or how to choose files from a computer.
For existing folders that contain files, files can be added by dragging and dropping files anywhere in the folder window.
New Quizzes
Quiz Engine Option
This feature is used in conjunction with an external tool (LTI) in Canvas. Please view the content below for additional details. For more information about LTI tools, please see the Canvas Release Notes FAQ.
Feature Functionality Details | |
Affected Canvas Areas | Quizzes, Assignments |
Affects User Interface | Yes |
Affected User Roles | Instructors |
Feature Enhancement Ideas | |
Specified Tag for Feature Ideas | New quizzes |
Instructors using New Quizzes can set their preferred quiz engine for each course.
Change Benefit
This change allows a quiz engine selection to persist.
Affected User Roles & Behaviors
When an instructor selects the Add Quiz button in the Quizzes page, the page displays a window asking which quiz type should be used to create a quiz: Classic Quizzes or New Quizzes. Once a quiz engine is selected, the next time the instructor clicks the Add Quiz button, Canvas displays the quiz creation page for the selected tool.
Note: This preference applies to each course individually.
Instructors can reset the selected quiz engine through the Settings menu in the Quizzes page. This option resets the quiz engine so the instructor can select a different quiz engine.
Date | |
2020-04-15 | Release Notes Published |
Change Log
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