Expanded Message students who...

The message students option is great in the speedgrader. However, it would be nice to add this feature to all of the gradebook items including assignment totals, discussion totals, other groups and final grade total, especially the final grade total. It would be nice to mass-email students (BCC) who are below a certain threshold like 70% or failing courses.
We have three very similar ideas, all of which are open for voting, associated with the Message Students Who... feature, and we're grouping them here to keep the Ideas forum tidy. These are the other two:

Hi, Shane!  I think you may have talked to  @Kim_AspirEDU ​ about this in the past, but our Dropout Detective solution has this capability.  We can set rules that trigger automated emails or text messages to students.  The rules can include multiple variables -- for example, send a specific message to students with a grade of less than 70% in a class AND that have at least one missing assignment AND have a Dropout Detective risk index score of above 30.  Perhaps a different message goes to students that haven't logged into their course in at least 3 days.  If you are interested in knowing more, please contact me at chris@aspiredu.com or visit us at Alliance Partner - AspirEDU​.  Thank you!

Community Novice

Chris, thanks for letting me know. I hope you guys are doing well and I

miss Kim!!!! Say hi to her for me! Your tool is great but for schools that

don't use it, the other option would help us lowly non-decision maker



On Mon, Oct 12, 2015 at 9:49 AM, chris@aspiredu.com <instructure@jiveon.com>


Shane - Some of our best referrals come from faculty!  If you're comfortable doing so, just let your supervisor know about us.  I've been in touch with Joe Dunlop in your Utah offices and he's been positive that we'll be able to get together after the first of the year.  I've already let Kim know that we've corresponded.  Feel free to drop her a line at kim@aspiredu.com or connect with her through this community.  Thanks!

Community Novice

Yeah...I heard they put a freeze on everything until after the first of the



On Mon, Oct 12, 2015 at 11:32 AM, chris@aspiredu.com <instructure@jiveon.com

Instructure Alumni
Instructure Alumni

This idea has moved to the next stage and will be open for voting among the Canvas Community, from Wed. November 4, 2015 - Wed. February 3, 2016.

Check out this doc for additional details about how the voting process works!

Community Novice

Could we add to this being able to "Message students who" within a certain section of the course?  That would REALLY be helpful for our large (1500+ student) courses where I need to message certain students in a given section.


Community Member

Yes! Also to message students in a specific Group, not just Section!

*Mickey Gillmor, MN, CNM*

Frontier Nursing University

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On Thu, Feb 4, 2016 at 10:26 AM, Laura.Orsetti@frontier.edu <

Community Champion

I'm am very glad to see you've got some momentum for this.  I've pushed this idea twice now and both times it just died on the vine. I think this could be such an important tool for early alerts and retention.

Community Champion

This part can already be done through the notifications, unless you specifically need to filter by grade and section or grade and group.

Community Novice

I want to be able to pull up one section, and within that section "Message Students Who" haven't submitted something.  We have a large, continuously open orientation course that students are in, divided up by sections according to when they come to campus.  Students in one section have different deadlines than students in another section, so "Message Students Who" haven't submitted something can't be used unless we can pull it up by section.  I don't want it going out to students who aren't up against a deadline yet.

Community Novice

it would be nice to be able to message students based on the final grade



On Thu, Feb 11, 2016 at 10:29 AM, mlewis23@ewu.edu <instructure@jiveon.com>

Community Novice

This feature would be very helpful for me.  As an example, students take several quizzes in my class that help them prepare for a “high-stakes” exam later in the semester.  If a student does not pass the exam, they cannot pass the course (regardless of their overall performance in the course).  After several quizzes, I can gauge whether a student is likely to pass the exam using current study methods.  I would like to be able to message all students whose cumulative performance after several quizzes is low to encourage them to meet with me to discuss study strategies. 

Community Participant

I LOVE the "Message Students Who" feature, but it would be A LOT more useful if the list of students being messaged was filtered by section as is selected in the Markbook. Currently even if you have a particular section filtered on and try and "Message Students Who Have Not Submitted Yet" it will put all students enrolled into the message instead of just the students from that section into the message.

Community Participant

To add to this feature, can we also "Message Parents of Students Who..." We would like to notify parents if a student is missing assignments, get a poor grade on a test etc.


According to Jared Stein's keynote speech from InstCon 2016, the parent messaging is built into the new Canvas Parent app.  If you advance to about the 6-minute mark of his speech, he discusses it and gives an overview.  The app allows parents to set their own alerts / messages -- it's not about schools pushing messages to parents.

Community Team
Community Team

 @jgrenier ​ - There's a great workaround for this. See  @Steve_25 ​'s Messaging Observers of Students in Canvas​. It's pretty amazing. We installed it into our production space earlier this week.

Community Team
Community Team

My colleagues and I really like the Message Students Who... feature a lot. However, we'd like to be able to message specific students based on their performance in an assignment category or based on overall course performance (grade thresholds in both situations) would be very helpful! It would save some time, but it would positively affect our abilities to communicate with students routinely. I hope that this feature is still under honest consideration as the changes to the gradebook are being planned.

Community Participant

Thank you for the tip!  I will try installing this workaround. 

Community Champion

Being able to message students who from Assignment Group Totals and the Final Total is important to my goal of student engagement.   I run too many little quizzes to message students from any individual quiz, but messaging based on an assignment group total would be very helpful.

Community Team
Community Team

This idea was moved from Under Consideration stage (no longer in use) to the Product Radar stage.  

This change was made as part of a feature idea process evolution.  Find more information, and contribute insights, by joining Focus Group: DRAFT Feature Idea Space