[Groups] Group Roster Export

This is an idea to modify group functionality so one can either export student group lists/rosters to a .csv spreadsheet format OR have groups listed in one of the spreadsheet columns when grades are exported (in the same fashion that Username and course section are included). In large enrollment classes, this is an absolutely essential feature. We use teams to set up tools external to the CMS and there currently is no easy way to access group data in the current Canvas configuration.

Added to Theme

Community Novice

This is an absolutely necessary functionality and should be an option to export to csv. Right now, once you from groups you can't even search the groups in Canvas by student name. you can find students who aren't assigned, but not those who are without using the dropdowns and searching each group. For a large class of 130 with 25+ groups, this is quite cumbersome. I have to manage groups in a separate spreadsheet to have more control and to remember who is in each group. It would be wonderful to have the feature to be able to search your already assigned groups in a convenient way and to be able to export the group names and students in the group to manage them better. Please add this feature soon. I've been hoping for this function since 2012.

Community Team
Community Team

This idea has moved to the next stage and will be open for voting among the Canvas Community, from Wed. July 6, 2016 - Wed. October 5, 2016.

Check out this doc for additional details about how the voting process works!

Community Novice

Yes please! This would be absolutely wonderful function to have! Though we can use the groups to schedule the students in Canvas, many of them do better if they can have a file that shows the date they are assigned for group meetings. Being able to export an Excel or even Word file containing all the groups (instead of having to type it out for 145 students) would be a huge time saver and does not seem like it would be difficult to program, since Canvas already has export features.

Community Novice

I agree completely. I'm having to spend hours manually typing group member info into an excel sheet. This seems like it would be such simple feature to add, and one that would save tremendous time for instructors. Please ADD THIS!

Community Participant

Without this functionality, our faculty are going to have an incredibly difficult time doing their job in all large enrollment classes.  It's hard enough in 60-80 student sections. It will be unmanageable when our 1500-student courses transition in Fall 2017. Thanks to all who voted!

Community Champion

You can use the Live API to do something very similar now.

If anyone is interested, I can do a little screencast to show you how!

Community Participant

Sure - that'd be helpful as it may take a while to implement this change in Canvas and many of our classes are not really manageable as the functionality stands now.  Thanks for offering.

Instructure Alumni
Instructure Alumni

We have this on our radar for the engineering team to estimate. Thanks for contributing to making Canvas better!

Community Participant

Hi  @James_Kocher_UF ‌,

If you have screencast you would like to share, I would love to see how you are pulling the data from the API.

Community Champion

It's been awhile, but I could probably put something together still.   Was there anything in particular you wanted to see?