Getting Started - Reports

Once alignments are made, there are several kinds of reports you can run to review alignments. You can schedule reports, view previously generated reports, or work with an interactive report. Reports are limited to a given state and subject, and reflect alignments in the system, regardless of the asset's workflow status in real time, unless otherwise noted in their descriptions.

Open Manage Reports

To generate or access a report, go to Reports > Manage Reports.

Some reports must be scheduled and are delivered in a downloadable format. Others are interactive and results appear on the screen.

Scheduled Reports

Once you request a scheduled report, the report is available in the "Requested Reports” section of the Manage Reports page. You have the option to cancel the requested report in the “Options” column to the right. Once the report is generated, it is listed in the “Generated Reports” section of the Manage Reports page; download the report from the “Options” column. You may also receive an email message saying "Your Report is Available for Download."


Asset Report – The Asset Report allows you to view all of the assets you have loaded for a given Asset Type, and related metadata if specified in the report layout.


Alignment Report – An Alignment Report shows every asset that has an alignment to a standard in a given state and subject. If there are multiple alignments to an asset, the asset information will be repeated in a different row with the new standard information.

The Alignment by Asset, Comma-Separated Roll-Up Report option for an Alignment report generates one line per standard.

Grade Coverage Report – A Grade Coverage Report shows you the number of aligned assets for a given set of state standards. This report will detail the number of aligned assets out of the total number of assets available for that grade.


Standards Gap Report – A Standards Gap Report lists all of a document's standards on the right with the aligned assets on the left.  If a standard is aligned to more than one asset, the standard displays on multiple rows to present one aligned asset per row. Gaps in the asset columns indicate standards that are not aligned to any assets.

Roll-Up Gap Report – The Roll-up Gap Report alters the format of a Standards Gap Report so that if there are multiple assets aligned to single standards, they will all be displayed on the same line instead of on multiple rows.

Asset Gap Report – An Asset Gap Report lists every asset on the left, and then shows alignments to standards on the right. Gaps in the standards column indicate that they are not aligned to any standards.

Alignment Planning Reports

There are two types of alignment planning reports:

Documents Reports – A Documents Report shows documents that have been added, changed or removed since a specified date.

Changes Report – A Changes Report shows specific standards (GUIDS) within a document that have been added, removed or changed since a specified date.

Interactive Reports

Alignment QA Report – This interactive report allows you to select a specific asset and receive real time information on the number of alignments, matching documents, and grade levels for a particular state.

Find Assets Report – Here you select a Common Terms Catalog (CTC) subject and strand to see the assets connect to individual CTCs in the selected strand.

Nightly Jobs and Reports

Alignment Extract Report - An Alignment Extract File is a data file that shows every alignment to every asset in the system with the status of Aligned.

Snapshot Report - A summary report that provides an overview percentage of how many standards have alignments for a chosen state and specific asset types.