Ability to identify specific administrators who manually enroll students in classes

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Hi, I am conducting a forensic investigation into an erroneous class enrollment in CANVAS. For the sake of quality assurance, my organization needs to identify who made the error and why the error happened, to ensure we **bleep** this problem at the bud. This is not the first time we have encountered this issue.

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Community Coach


If you have access to the requests table data from Canvas Data, you could try filtering through it to see if you can identify the request to add the user in question.  Using the Canvas API you could see when the enrollment was created so you know the day/time you need to look for requests around.

Alternatively, if you have a shortlist of admins that may have done it, you could try scrolling through their page view history of each user in the Admin area until that date/time to see if any of them accessed the people page of that course at that date/time.

Since you mentioned this isn't the first time the problem has happened, you might consider adjusting permissions/account roles.  Only users that should be permitted to enroll students in the class should have a course/account role with that permission (a new role may be needed if you need to separate users who should have permission vs users that shouldn't have permission).  In addition, you can adjust the permissions based on sub-account level, if they should have access to enroll users in courses in some sub-accounts, but not all.  By limiting who has access to perform enrollments will also help make it easier for future investigations if needed.

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