Making solid use of the Course Calendar so that the course becomes time and task driven can be a good way to simplify.
Curriculum design aside, it is extremely difficult to design and lay out information in a way that meets everyone's expectations for usability. I would go as far as to say, impossible. Attempting to do this with the added consideration of curriculum design can sometimes lead teachers down an extremely heavy workload of complicated feature creep and complex content creation.
Then, whatever it is a teacher can give to the information and layout, still must work within the assumptions of the Canvas system design and layout, and the doubt less the policies, procedures and extra resources that the hosting institution expect you to use - assuming you're attempting to contain the experience within Canvas and a single institution.
Making use of the calendar can help task oriented people with a logical sequence of events, activities, assignment stages, etc. all placed to help people manage their time in the course. A group calendar can be set up for the teachers (if required). Some students and teachers may come to realise they never need to try and navigate the course site, if everything they're meant to be doing and thinking about is coming to them in alerts that contain rich content, links and attachments relevant to the task at hand.
So, with this approach, I would sketch out the course events, assignments and activities through the calendar, check it against other course calendars in the program, then add the necessary content to the calendar entries when you're happy with the layout across time. Create Events with links to Pages, Assignments and Files from the calendar and, watch the schedule of the course build out on the Syllabus page (or calendar's Agenda view). If an overview of the course is needed outside the Calendar's Agenda view or the Syllabus home page, then make use of Modules and Assignments to arrange the content that was generated from calendar.
Here's a video on Youtube demonstrating the Calendar based approach:
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