[ARCHIVED] Are surveys and evaluations too far of a reach for the product team to implement with Canvas?

Community Explorer

I'm only a few-years in administering our Canvas instance, and our team has only touched the surface on the essentials Canvas offers to our users. Before they became known as Classic Quizzes, we've deployed a few surveys and some quizzes and dealt with its quirks. We are in the position to move all of our users forward with New Quizzes, as it's clear the product team is focused on assessment. Thus, it's not a surprise to see the omission of surveys from New Quizzes.

Within the community, I have only been able to find relevant discussions around Surveys and New Quizzes as recent as December 2017 - where "surveys" are on the longer-term roadmap.

I get it. Surveys are for information gathering, offer no immediate outcomes like quizzes, require more detailed analysis, and are more complex based on their relations to multiple entities (i.e., evaluation of courses, instructors, students peers, guest lectures, etc.). Surveys have no business with fitting the New Quizzes engine.

So, we need to "tell it as it is." It's three years later, and many other institutions are waiting for several other Classic Quiz features to appear in New-Quizzes. That road map for surveys is getting longer.

For those of you listening, I'd rather see New Quizzes improve where it should and have an assertion that the Canvas product team is not in the business of being another paperless provider of electronic surveys and evaluations. I would like to hear from other Canvas users utilizing LTI solutions specific to surveys and their corresponding service providers. If there are more straightforward means using URLs of Google/Microsoft Forms in course assignments, please share.

If I've missed any recent position from Instructure on surveys, I'm listening, and I'm still thumbing around for a road atlas.

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