[ARCHIVED] Art instructor seeking advice, hope, commiseration

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I normally teach painting and drawing courses, live at a college. I am supposed to have some semblance of an online class for Beginning Painting courses by Monday and I am just now learning about how to use Canvas.

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Instructure Alumni
Instructure Alumni

Hi,  @cynde_balent  Welcome to the Canvas Community! I hope you'll find many like-minded individuals here ready to help you out.

I've changed your question to a discussion in the hope that it will prompt an ongoing conversation rather than a single correct answer.

Here's a resource that serves as the foundation of your course building:

Set Up Your Canvas Course in 30 minutes or Less 

I used to teach humanities, so my Canvas courses were very heavy on images and videos. The Rich Content Editor (RCE) that is available nearly everywhere an instructor can create content is wonderful for creating beautiful pages with embedded images. To stay well within my course storage quota, I uploaded my videos to YouTube and set them to unlisted, then grabbed the links to include in my modules.

Here are some recent conversations about using Canvas tools to view and assess students' artwork:

Studio Art - Group Image Uploads & Video Group Critiques  

Posting and commenting on artwork  

Can students post photos, then other students comment on them? 

Ideas to use Canvas in Art Studio Classes (not recent, but still good and relevant)

Having students submit assignments on Canvas 

Starting with an outline is a great way to go; the next logical place to go with that would be modules, where you can create a course structure that mirrors the outline, and add content as necessary as you are able to develop it. Here's an overview video on Modules:

I hope this gives you enough to get started, Cynde, and I've no doubt others will come along with their own ideas. Good luck!

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