[ARCHIVED] Blueprint Sync after the course ends

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Community Novice

Hi, I'm wondering what happens to associated courses after the course ends. For example, I have changes to the Blueprint I would like to make to rubrics, but changing this and syncing would affect grading to all associated courses. I would like to do this after the course ends. Do I have to disassociate the course or does the Blueprint stop syncing? Any information on this would be helpful.

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Community Champion

Hi  @am_jagusztyn ‌ - My own experimentation indicates that if you sync to a course that has otherwise ended, the sync WILL carry through to the associated course.  This, however, leads to a few other questions:

-If this is a change that you want to make to the course for future terms, can you not just re-associate the blueprint template to newer courses that are set to begin the next term?  (Assuming your courses are tied to terms in Canvas.)  When a term ends, I will typically remove the previously associated courses tied to that blueprint template and add in the new ones, at the instructor's/department's instructions.

-Since I assume this is a blueprint that you have already been using, automatic syncing will no longer occur to courses that are already associated with it.  The only "automatic" sync will occur when you associate new courses with an existing blueprint; currently associated courses will not sync.  In other words, you have to press the Sync button to initiate any changes.  So I guess the easiest answer is:  don't press the SYNC button!  

You may want to check here, if you haven't already:  https://community.canvaslms.com/docs/DOC-11638-4214758989 

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