[ARCHIVED] Canvas Studio Video (Screen Capture) Recording - No Sound

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I recorded a screen capture video using Canvas studio. However, once it was uploaded, the sound is missing.

I've recorded multiple screen capture videos and the sound on those works fine (except sometimes the mic will stop working mid-video and I get a notification letting me know).

This time there was no notification and I believe the mic was working fine (green lighting up signal). I've tried downloading the video, playing it from a course page, and playing it from the studio page, all with no luck. 

Has anyone had this issue happen before? If so, is there a way to recover the audio from the file?

Thank you in advance!

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1 Solution
Community Coach
Community Coach

Hello there, @ebeski ...

I wonder if you just need to let your video in Studio process a bit longer.  Last month I was chatting with another Community user about a different Studio topic, and he received the following information from Canvas Support: Re: Strangely inflating file sizes for Canvas Stud... - Canvas Community.  I wonder if your video just needs more time to transcode before you can hear the audio?  Maybe check back later tonight or in the morning to see if the overall quality of the video has improved...including hearing the audio.

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