[ARCHIVED] Use of YouTube in Canvas

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Hey All,

I have a student whose parents block YouTube at home. Is there a way for me to add YouTube to Canvas that will still work when the student is home? Could I upload it into Studio? Use the embed code from YouTube? Someone mentioned using Screencastify to record the YouTube video and then add to Canvas. UGH! Not something I want to do.

Any other good ideas? 



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1 Solution
Instructure Alumni
Instructure Alumni

Hi @cheri_masters 


It's hard to give a definite answer without know what methods the parents are using to block the website. The first thing that comes to mind is adding the YouTube video to your Studio library. Once it's loaded in to your Studio, you can embed the Studio video in to the RCE on a page in your course and they should have no issue accessing it.


Have a look at these guides on Adding a Video to Studio and then Embedding a Studio Video. Hopefully that works for your student!

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