[ARCHIVED] Canvas hosted adding a FFT account

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Can a hosted teacher account given by a school district add a FFT account as a coteacher?

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Hi @JevonShaw 

The quick and dirty answer is "No".

But first, let's get a bit of clarification - are you asking if an FFT user can be added to a paid account, yes any user on Earth can be added to an account. Or, are you asking if an FFT classroom can be added to your paid account? If so, then the answer is no, but you can export the contents of an FFT course, then upload them to a paid account classroom shell.

What I suspect is that you have a teacher with an FFT course with enrollments and you want to roll the whole enchilada into your school's paid account. You can, as I described above, but none of the enrollments nor any of their submitted work and recorded grades will transfer over.

If I have somehow missed the mark, or you need further help, please let me know.

Good luck,


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