[ARCHIVED] Changing Status of Entire Column in Grades

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How do I change the status of an entire column (not just 1 person) from "missing" to "none" in Grades without changing the due date? I import grades from an external web based tool. It is always after the due date that I enter in Canvas. I need that due date in Canvas so that students can know when do to the assignment. After I import the grades, they are still listed as "missing" and I have to either remove the due date or go through individually to change the status in grades. How can I change the status for the whole column in Grades? Thank you. 

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1 Solution
Community Coach
Community Coach

 @noonerk , greetings! There is no direct way in Canvas to do this. Yet, there is a nifty way to do this using the following Canvancements - Canvas Enhancements‌ - Removing Missing and Late Labels. It was written to remove all labels from the gradebook, but it can also be used to remove labels from just one assignment (look under the heading "Where can I run this?" It might look a little technical, but if you watch the video, I think you'll find that it's not that bad and worth it depending on the number of students you have in your class.


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