[ARCHIVED] College what I most look forward too and my concerns

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Discussion: Returning to College

                   What I am most looking forward to about starting college is, quite frankly attaining my certificate and if I am successful, going for a bachelors degree. I look forward to obtaining knowledge that will help me advance in my career and also give me a deeper understanding in my field of work. I am excited to learn how to integrate myself in this college atmosphere. I am use to doing everything and going it alone. So, to have a social network to help me achieve my ultimate goal and lessen my social awkwardness, is a very new idea and kind of a scary one to me. I do have a working social structure for my career but, there is a difference I believe.  What concerns me the most about starting college is not being able to keep all my due dates, discussions, reports, assignments in line and on time. I work a lot and have an extremely stressful job that entails many documentations, some weekends, and an overall life consuming atmosphere. I most concerned about failing. The new technology is a bit difficult to wrap my head around, sometimes I overthink it and make it harder than it has to be.

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1 Solution
Instructure Alumni
Instructure Alumni

Hi,  @jflorence2001  and  Welcome to the Canvas Community! Based on the content you've posted, it seems that you most likely meant to post this in one of your Canvas courses. This is a forum where people gather to exchange their ideas about using Canvas software, and What are the Canvas Community guidelines? provides more information about what constitutes relevant content.

To make sure you receive credit for your activity, please navigate to your course and re-post this in the appropriate spot. Your instructor can provide assistance if you need it.

Good luck!

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