[ARCHIVED] Creating grid, matrix, or array question types?

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I'm sure this is posted somewhere and I'm unable to find it, so appreciate your patience in advance. I have surveys developed in google forms and qualtrics that I need to convert to Canvas quizzes using the "grid" question type, where similar question stems have the same answers (think "Strongly Agree -> Strongly Disagree). The only way I can see to do this with the version of Canvas I have access to is to create separate questions for each statement and repeat the answers each time, which is quite cumbersome. Could someone please point me in the right direction?

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Community Coach

Good morning, @SMB2319 …

I think I can visualize what you are trying to do in your Google and Qualtrics surveys, but unfortunately, I don’t think anything like that exists in either current Classic Quizzes or in New Quizzes within Canvas.  You would be correct in that you’d need to create separate questions for each of your questions…and yes, that could be quite cumbersome.  In Classic Quizzes, there is an option to make a quiz a “survey”, but I don’t believe that’s the case with New Quizzes at this time (though if someone knows otherwise or knows of work-arounds, I’d be happy to be wrong).

Sorry this may not be the answer you were looking for, but I hope it has helped to answer your question.

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At this time there is no way to create an array style question as you are describing in Canvas. Although cumbersome, you would need to create each question using the Multiple choice format. 

This would make a great feature request, you can submit a feature request using the guide provided below.

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