[ARCHIVED] Cross-listed course and adding user after the fact

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I had a user contact me regarding a course shell they were added to as a T.A. and their inability to view certain student's submitted work for grading.  I took a look and noticed that the students that they couldn't view were from the cross-listed section, is it possible to fix this without have to decross-list?

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Community Coach
Community Coach

Hi Jaime,

You shouldn't have to de-crosslist the course.  However, you may need to. remove and re-add the TA, or add them to the other (crosslisted) section,

My guess is that when the TA was added, this option was checked "User can only interact with their section" option was checked:

Screen Shot 2022-02-22 at 4.09.27 PM.png

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@mzimmerman you are correct and that fixed the issue, thanks for the solution!

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