[ARCHIVED] Digital Learning Checklists


With the increase in digital learning initiatives around the world, many administrators and teachers are looking for ways they can meet those standards and give our students the best 21st century learning experience possible.  The tools in Canvas empower us to meet every aspect of digital learning and take them to a new level.  Implementing digital learning across a large school district or university may seem like a daunting task.  However, by using the SAMR model of technology integration and Canvas, you have stepping stones to achieving full digital learning at your institution.  

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Digital learning is your initiative, Canvas is the tool, and SAMR is the model to bring our institutions into the digital learning age. In the visual above, we use SAMR side by side with Bloom's to help understand what SAMR can bring the table.  By using SAMR, we can start using the basics with Canvas to achieve digital learning.  As we become more comfortable with Canvas, we can move towards integrating more of the tools available to us.  As we move up in the SAMR model, we are able to achieve all that Canvas has to offer to the classroom.  

The checklists below give your school an institution wide plan to achieve digital learning standards. We will focus on two areas:

1. What schools leaders can do to achieve digital learning at their institution.

2. What teachers can do to implement digital learning in their classrooms. 

These checklists are attached below for you to download

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These checklists are meant to serve as building blocks for your professional development plan.  They focus on the "why" and "how" of your plan and will give instructors meaning behind learning Canvas.  They can also be used as a formal evaluation tool during faculty observations.  Feel free to download and use these checklists to help with your digital learning initiative.  

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