[ARCHIVED] Discussions between classes taught by same instructor

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How can a teacher manually add students from their other classes to a discussion?  (There would be one discussion between several classes).

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Community Coach
Community Coach

Hello @reasler1 ...

Enrollments are added to your "People" page of the course...not to specific discussion topics within the course.  The only way you could possibly do what you are asking is if you cross-listed two courses together...combining two separate courses into one course.  However, it's generally recommended that cross-listing happens before the course beings...not during.  Cross-listing essentially moves enrollments from one course into another course, and you see both sections listed in your "People" page of the course.  The content from one course does not move to the other course...only the enrollments move.  More information can be found in this Guide: How do I cross-list a section in a course as an in... - Canvas Community.

I hope this helps a bit.  Take care, stay safe, and be well.

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Community Champion

Hi @reasler1 

As @Chris_Hofer stated, this cannot be done in Canvas, at least not easily. I understand the pedagogical desire to open discussions up between courses or classes, but the only real way to accomplish this is by using third-party tools. There is one work-round you could try with Canvas, and that would be to create a third Canvas classroom with all students enrolled in that class, and then using that classroom just for discussions. A bit of work, and one that would require intervention by your school's Canvas admin - but it dfoes work. We have used that trick extensively to provide a "shared" space for technical/professional program students.

Good luck,


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