[ARCHIVED] Downloading rubric scores

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I am writing a report for accreditation purposes. yeah.  The KPI requires documentation from Canvas rubrics.  (80% of students will receive a "satisfactory" on assignment x in course y.)    Is it possible to download in a spreadsheet all of the students' rubric scores from a particular assignment?  

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1 Solution
Community Champion


I think you're talking about something like this (initial post and follow-up are the two criteria in my rubric).


If so, this functionality does not exist within that core Canvas product.

It is possible to download the rubrics through the API and create a spreadsheet. I wrote a script to do this before the Fall 2019 term, but never finished it to a point it was ready for publication. It's functional for what you're asking about, just not where I wanted it to be before I released it.

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