[ARCHIVED] Getting "This file is still being processed by turnitin. Please check back later to see the score" for too long.

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My students are submitting files in a Canvas assignment and are getting the "This file is still being processed by turnitin. Please check back later to see the score" for far too long.  For example, this assignment was due Sunday and it is now Thursday and I still do not have a TII report.  I need the reports to to start grading and Canvas is not responding to my direct messages.  Help!

Note: the assignment requires the students to submit using .doc or .docx files. 


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2 Solutions
Community Novice

This question has not been answered.  I accidentally pushed the "Assumed Answered" button.

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Hi David,

I just wanted to let you know that it looks like your institution's policy is to have all support tickets go to local admin at your institution and they can then  be escalated to Canvas Support if your local admin can’t resolve them.  Your ticket has not been escalated by the institution at this point and so it hasn't reached the support folks in Salt Lake.  I know that does not help you resolve the issue with tii so you might want to contact your local eLearning or IT organization to follow up.

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