[ARCHIVED] Help please! What is the biggest success story you can attribute to Canvas?

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Hi Everyone,

Here at the University of Winchester, in the south of England, we have been piloting Canvas for the past year. We love it 7 so do our students! Next week we have to present the findings of the pilot to our Senate Committee who will make the final decision as to whether we adopt it as a university.

Any ammunition you can give to help us make our case would be greatly appreciated! We are looking for bitesize nuggets or summaries from other Canvas users - what does Canvas help you to achieve? Can you attribute any concrete outcomes to Canvas that will help us to wow the panel?

Thanks in advance,

Amy Barlow

Head of Technology Enhanced Learning

University of Winchester


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Hi  @amy_barlow 

So I'm not sure if these will be helpful but I have two that might. The first is a presentation I did about our switch to Canvas. This was at my former institution but we were able to roughly measure an increase is faculty adoption and a drop (a significant one) in support tickets. I think the stats are around 30 minutes. It focuses a bit more on LTI rather than user success but it did show how psyched everyone was for Canvas. I've always used LTI to get people excited about Canvas

Creating a Teaching Ecosystem_1

There is also a stories page for example this is the higher ed one: Higher Education Stories, Reviews, and Testimonials | Canvas Learning Management System

And one from my former school. Rider University Doubles Adoption and Lowers Support Tickets with Canvas - YouTube 

Hope these are at least somewhat helpful.

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