[ARCHIVED] How Do I Embed Video?

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When I follow these directions, I get what you see in the attached screenshot. Can you please tell me where I am gong wrong? Thank you!

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1 Solution

@SusanNiemeyer …

While using the HTML editor in the RCE to paste in embed code is a good choice, it might be a bit confusing for some folks who aren’t real familiar with editing HTML…especially if they are unsure of where to insert the embed code.  Instead, what I would recommend is to place your cursor on the location of where you want to place your embedded content (for example, a YouTube or Vimeo video).  Then, click on Insert >> Embed from the RCE text-based menu.  Paste in the embed code that you harvested from YouTube, Vimeo, etc., and your embedded content will display on the page for you.  The link that @jcrooks posted in his reply shows an example of this. 😊

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