[ARCHIVED] How can I know if a student accessed a quiz but didn't answer anything?

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I want to apply an "optional" quiz. If a student takes decides not to take it, that is fin, but if they do take it then the grade will be considered for the final grade, without consideration (so there is a risk in taking it just for fun).

I have already designed the quiz in CANVAS, but I am new to the platform so I am not sure if CANVAS will make a difference between: students who accessed the quiz but didn't reply to any of the questions, and students that didn't access at all.

Does anyone know?


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1 Solution
Community Team
Community Team

Hi! You can check through moderation. You can see how long they were active in the quiz, even if they didn't submit it!

Once I publish a quiz, how do I use the Moderate Quiz page? 

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