[ARCHIVED] How can I make internal hyperlinks in a PDF document work when the PDF is viewed in a Canvas window?

Community Novice

I created a long Word document for my students, and, for ease of navigation, I created internal hyperlinks (which are called "Bookmarks" in Word) so that my students can easily and quickly navigate to different parts of the document by clicking the hyperlinks. I saved the Word document as a PDF, verified that the hyperlinks still work in the PDF (they do), uploaded the PDF to "Files" on Canvas, and then created a link to the document in a module on Canvas. When I click on the link to the document in Canvas, Canvas opens the PDF in a Canvas window. If I then click on the hyperlinks while viewing the PDF in the Canvas window, the hyperlinks don't work. That is, I click on the hyperlinks, and nothing happens. If I download the PDF by clicking "Download" in the Canvas window and then open the document on my desktop, however, the hyperlinks work: I click on the hyperlinks, and they take me to the correct spot in the PDF. How can I make these hyperlinks work while viewing the PDF in the Canvas window?

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