[ARCHIVED] How do I manually enter grades in the grade book?

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How do I manually enter grades in the grade book? I don't see the little triangle that allowed me to download files.

In the past, I could go down the list and click on each individual student and enter a grade. This was perfect for when a student turned something in late. Now, I can only either download all assignments at once or go into Speed Grader and click next one at a time until I find the student with the late submission. 

Nearly every file my students submit are Adobe files like Photoshop, Illustrator, or InDesign which I can't preview. The updated Canvas has easily doubled the amount of time it takes me to grade Adobe file submissions.

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Howdy  @mblaskowski ‌,

Welcome to the community! Thanks for providing the background information related to your question. I'm assuming you're using the new gradebook.

You don't have to click next one at a time to get to the student's late submission. There's a better way.  @tolinm ‌ mentioned it during her #canvascasters‌ podcast episode --> sort by submission status in Speedgrader (or you can also sort by submission date in the case of a late submission).

How do I sort the student list in SpeedGrader? 

If you are using the new gradebook, you can still manually enter grades (of course, you would need to download the individual student's submission first via Speedgrader, so it might be best to just enter the grade from the speedgrader portal).

How do I enter and edit grades in the Gradebook? 

How do I enter and edit grades in SpeedGrader? 

https://community.canvaslms.com/docs/DOC-13088-415255024  [indicates how to download from Speedgrader view for individual student].

Hope that helps,

Sky V. King

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