Hi idavidson,
It seems like I was part of another discussion about JavaScript in the mobile app, but it appears to have been deleted.
When you are working in the Theme Editor in Canvas, you have the ability to add a CSS and a JavaScript file that load in the desktop version and files that will load in the mobile app.

The mobile JavaScript and CSS files do load into Canvas but there are distinct differences between the desktop version of Canvas and the mobile apps. A lot depends on what you are trying to style with your CSS or what your JavaScript targets.
Because the environment is different, your CSS may be scoped in such a way that it does not apply to the content. I have not really experienced issues with the CSS aspect (except that I have had to recreate some things like buttons and table styles that I was pulling from the CSS Canvas was already loading into the browser).
There are a variety of challenges when it comes to using JavaScript in the mobile app. Here are two of the major things to be aware of:
- jQuery is not already loaded in the mobile app.
- The urls for content are not laid out like they are in the browser.
If you have specific things that you are trying to accomplish that you want help figuring out, let me know and I will help where I can.
This discussion post is outdated and has been archived. Please use the Community question forums and official documentation for the most current and accurate information.