
Iver Davidson
Community Novice
Apr 15, 2015 8:28:08 AM
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An amazing Instructure Community member

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The same javascript and css files that I upload to modify the web interface don't affect the mobile app. Is there a separate API for mobile? I haven't seen any discussions on this subject.
Likes: 7
user[avatar][url] used to work, but no longer. Using curl and python, separately, I can change other user variables, but not the avatar url. Has the api changed?
Likes: 6
Yes, we are using an API call to change the avatar url to point to fileshosted in the cloud. To make that happen, we had to ask Canvas/Instructureto whitelist the site where the files were located.Ive...
Likes: 4
Thank you!
Likes: 2
I appreciate the additional comments on my posting. What I am trying to do with the mobile app is change the help link to our own help desk, something I was able to do with the desktop app.
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Yes, we are using an API call to change the avatar url to point to fileshosted in the cloud. To make that happen, we had to ask Canvas/Instructureto whitelist the site where the files were located.Ive...
Dec 07, 2018 10:05 AM
I appreciate the additional comments on my posting. What I am trying to do with the mobile app is change the help link to our own help desk, something I was able to do with the desktop app.
May 07, 2018 08:08 AM
Thank you, Colin! It's a relief to understand what's going on, though I see I have more work ahead of me to fix our situation. I appreciate your help.--Iver
Jan 21, 2018 10:15 AM
Thank you, Colin.What the script has done successfully in the past is use an encrypted string to point to a jpg file. Suddenly it's not working. I have tried to point directly to a jpg file, again...
Jan 21, 2018 00:23 AM
user[avatar][url] used to work, but no longer. Using curl and python, separately, I can change other user variables, but not the avatar url. Has the api changed?
Jan 20, 2018 15:58 PM

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