[ARCHIVED] Icon will not go away

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No matter what I do, the document icon will not go away for several late grades.  I have put in a 0 WITH it marked late, put a 0 with it marked none, the icon will not go away.

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1 Solution
Community Champion

Hello Naveen Cunha,

Sorry for the delay in responding to your query, your question was marked answered.

From your screenshot, it looks like you're using the New Gradebook. While I don't know what's going on with your course, the green icon means that Turnitin returned an originality score. Maybe that has something to do with why you cannot override/input a new grade.

How do I use the icons and colors in the New Gradebook? 

turn it in Icons

I do not use Turnitin at my institution, but I found this extremely thorough blog/guide: Canvas and Turnitin: How does the grading work .

Hope the blog can offer some help,
Cheers - Shar

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