[ARCHIVED] Is there a way to add a checklist to a page?

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Community Champion

I have found the code for this, but when I hit "Save" the code disappears.  That tells me that Canvas can't support that.  I think it is also because most of the time a check box is used, it's for data and there is no place to send this data.

Also, how would it work for each student?  Would we have to make the module associated with this page for each student in order for it to work?

I would like to make a checklist for the students to make sure they have completed all of their activities completed, and with a minimum grade, before they can take a final assessment.  It would make it easier for teachers if this was checked off, and accurate.

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2 Solutions
Community Champion

Yes, you cannot rely on the Canvas RCE to take every bit of HTML code you throw at it.

It sounds like this could best be addressed by the Module Requirements and Prerequisites feature. The "Mark as Done" is a self-granted progression option but you can also have certain scores earned needed to proceed to the next module. And better yet is that your form with checkboxes idea that would need some sort of place to track those features gets recorded and trackable by instructors:


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Community Champion

Also, here is the Canvas HTML Editor Whitelist that informs what code is allowed in the Canvas RCE.

Smiley Happy Shar

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