[ARCHIVED] Issues with embedded Nearpod in Speedgrader

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We have recently started running into issues with student submissions of embedded Nearpods. We have found that at the completion of the assignment students have to close out the tab for it to properly submit. However, about 1 out of every 20 shows up completely blank in speedgrader. Does anyone know a solution to this issue?Capture.PNG


Thanks in advance.


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1 Solution
Instructure Alumni
Instructure Alumni


Regarding the blank Nearpod submissions in the speedgrader, are you able to see those submissions on the Nearpod side? Have you already spoken to Nearpod regarding this issue to verify data is being sent for that submission? If you have a case number from Nearpod for this issue I suggest submitting a support ticket to Canvas support. Be sure to include the case number provided by Nearpod as well as a screenshot of the submission in Nearpod. 

You can reach out to Canvas support here.

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