[ARCHIVED] New Quizzes and third-Party proctoring (Proctorio)

Community Participant

Here at University of Canberra we use Proctorio for remote proctoring of exams. Although we are yet to activate New Quizzes here at Uni Canberra, we are getting interest from some of our Unit conveners and would love to enable the New Quiz tool, but feel that the lack of Third-party Integrations (Proctor/Security) is a cause of concern for us.

Specifically of concern to us is the apparent lack of support for third party proctoring software!! (In our case -- Proctorio)

The Comparison document still does not even hint that this is being looked at, for any tool other than Respondus Lock Down Browser, which I note it listed as available now.

@richardsonji  (31-03-2020 03:49 AM) also has a similar query and raises valid concerns about the new quiz tool. (Remote proctoring in New Quizzes)

"We have used Proctorio for remote proctoring of exams.  We have a instructor who has put all of his quizzes in New Quizzes.  Now that we have to go remote, he has found that Proctorio does not work with New Quizzes.  There isn't a way (that I know of) to pull quizzes from New Quizzes into the old quizzes.  How can we proctor quizzes with New Quizzes?"

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