[ARCHIVED] Published class went missing from my Dashboard, but I can find it in my Courses...

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Published class went missing from my Dashboard, but I can find it in my Courses when I click "all Courses"

UPDATE: I'm not sure why they disappeared, but this seemed to work... OK... after a bit of research, I found this that seems to work... https://community.canvaslms.com/t5/Instructor-Guide/How-do-I-customize-my-Courses-list-as-an-instruc...

I have a published class in my free teacher account, and it randomly disappeared off my dash board.  I have 8 "published " and 12 unpublished.  It is not any of these.  If I look in courses, it's not in the default list, but I can find it under the "show all" I see 24 classes, including my missing class, and sand box and default "your guide template class".  My missing dashboard class is published and has the same setting as classes that are showing up... I was working with it as of about 4 days ago, when I also exported it to commons.. and I can still find it there too...

Is there a set of rules as to what classes show on the Dashboard and default Courses listing?

I can tell you that IT REALLY FREAKED ME OUT... I discovered it exactly when I was on a call with a team I was contracting some work for and this class was part of it.... 

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