[ARCHIVED] Quiz (dated/incomplete) with Module Prerequisite/Permissions Set

Community Explorer

I have set up a module (Module A), using the requirements option; all work is to be completed in a sequential order.  The "Module A"  ends with a quiz, which was available for only a specific amount of time; the quiz is now no longer available.

I have a follow up module (Module B), with the prerequisite option set that a student must first complete the prior module (Module A) before the student is able to begin "Module B".

QUESTION:  If a student did not complete the quiz (in Module A), which is now no longer available, will the student be able to move to the new module, "Module B", with the prerequisites set up in that manner?


Module A -- complete all work in sequential order, ends with a "time sensitive" quiz.

   hypothetical -- student does all but the quiz, which is no longer available 

Module B -- prerequisite to complete Module A first, then begin Module B.... Can the student (incomplete quiz) move to this module?

Thank you.

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