[ARCHIVED] Regrade from a quiz bank

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Hello! Is there a way to auto-regrade when questions are pulled from a quiz bank? I gave a 70 point exam and there are two questions that were frequently missed and had poor statistics. I would like to accept two answers as correct for both questions. I gave the exam to almost 200 students. I am really hoping there is a way to do this without manually looking up who answered either of the two ways I am accepting and manually fudging points for those who answered the other answer I am accepting... That will take many hours! This was simple when I used ExamSoft but I cannot find any way to do this on a Canvas exam with questions pulled from a quiz bank. 

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1 Solution
Instructure Alumni
Instructure Alumni

Hi @foreverlaur!

Unfortunately it is not possible to regrade a a question that is being pulled from a bank. 

As shared by another community member - "

I've linked to a guide page below and here is the part you were hoping not to see.

"Regrade Restrictions

Quiz regrade does not apply to questions linked to a question bank since questions may be used in more than one quiz."

What options can I use to regrade a quiz in a course? 

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