[ARCHIVED] Rubric for Discussion Board Peer Review AND rubric layout

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I have two related questions:

First: I'm a public speaking instructor, and have students post speech videos to the Discussion Board; I also want each student to review 2 other speeches. I know I can set up a Peer Review...but can I attach a rubric the so students can use that to do their reviews? And can I set it up so their Peer Reviews are graded? If I can't do that using Peer Reviews, anyone have an suggestions for how I can set it up?

Second question: is there a way to get more columns on a custom rubric? I know I can add criterion, but I want to be able to add columns so the choices for each criterion are "Excellent," "Good" "Fair" and "Needs Improvement."

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1 Solution
Community Champion

Hi @jmerriam 

  1. If you have created a grading rubric for the discussion, then the students you have selected as peer reviewers will be able to use that same grading rubric for their reviews. However, Canvas does not have a way to aggregate and average those peer review scores. This guide will help,

    How do I use peer review discussions in a course?

  2. Yes! I have created rubrics with ten rating columns. Essentially, you just click the plus (+) sign in the line between two existing ratings. This guide will help,

    How do I add a rubric in a course?

I hope this is helpful,

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