[ARCHIVED] Saving Class Information

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New to Canvas....

It is end of the semester and our Canvas Courses are synced with Power School. I am assuming the courses that are only semester courses will no longer be available to the teachers at the end of the Power School Semester term.  What do our teachers need to do to save their course information and modules to use next year or next semester if teaching the same course?

I have read information about sharing to Commons, Copying the course, and Exporting the Course. I would appreciate advice as to the best practice for my teachers.

Thank you!


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1 Solution

Hi Janet,

Unless you go out of your way to delete those courses, they will still be there and the teachers can still access them and import content from them into their new courses by following the guide on How do I import content from another Canvas course?

After the term ends, the access that teachers do have will be read-only. You can learn more about this in the End of Year Guide I put together. It works pretty much the same for an end of semester scenario too Smiley Happy

Let me know if this answers your question or if you have any other questions that pop-up.


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