[ARCHIVED] Search all Discussion Boards for Name or Phrase

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Community Novice

I have been seeking a way to search all of the discussion boards in a course for a name (in order to gauge overall participation). Is there a way to do that now? There was a conversation in 2017 but I can't find anything more recent addressing this issue.  

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1 Solution
Community Champion

Hi @AnnPalazzo 

It is rather tricksie, but this can be done with New Analytics.

I Went to New Analytics, then..........

  • I filtered to just view Discussions,
  • Then I switched to Data Table view,
  • Then I clicked on the blue %participation link on the far right of each discussion,
  • Then choose the "Missing" to display the names of those who did not participate.

Again, not real dynamic, but it does work.

What I do is simply go to a discussion column in the gradebook, and look down the column to see who did and did not participate.

Good luck,


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