[ARCHIVED] Sign up List with Instructor Approval?

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I would like to create a page on which my students sign up for their research paper topics.  But, I'd like the form to have a place/column/whatever for my instructor approval of the topic.  Of course this can't be something the students can edit.

So, for example, if Tom Jones entered on the form that he wanted to do his paper on Caesar, he could enter that in the signup list. But until/unless I, as instructor, carry out some action on that list his topic is just submitted, not approved.  

In short, what can I use on a Canvas sign-up list to approve student entries in a way that can't be changed/faked by students themselves?

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1 Solution
Instructure Alumni
Instructure Alumni

Hello @CyberProf 


Currently there is not a method to create a sign up sheet in the way that you are describing. You could create a table in a page and allow students to edit it. You can view page revisions to see if someone copied over something if the need arose, but there is not a built in feature that would require instructor approval.


You can even suggest this in the Idea Hub or vote on existing similar requests.

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