[ARCHIVED] Stop SIS Import Upload in Beta Environment?

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Hello! We were attempting to test out a SIS Import for a User file in our Beta environment. We made a csv from the template provided by Canvas for this process, and we added 2 users to the CSV. We then went into our Beta environment and asked it to process the csv file. It's been processing for quite some time (for 2 users) and it's at 0% progress. In the meantime, we're unable to return to the SIS Import tab in our Beta to try a different file. Is there a way to stop the import so that we can make some changes to the file and try again?

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2 Solutions
Community Champion

I'd suggest contacting Canvas Support and have them cancel the process.


You can also check here to see if there's any notes (update the URL)


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Community Participant

Hi @CatSimpson 

You can abort an SIS import using the API. You need the ID from the SIS Import you want to abort.

// Get the current importing SIS Import //

GET /v1/accounts/{account_id}/sis_imports/importing


// Abort SIS Import //

PUT /v1/accounts/{account_id}/sis_imports/{id}/abort




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