[ARCHIVED] Student Videos and Voting

Community Contributor

I'm looking for ideas for an assignment in which students post videos describing a potential group project & then students vote on the projects to create a top 5 list. The idea is to replicate a formerly in class activity in the online environment. Each student records a short < 2 minute pitch for their idea using powerpoint & audio/video and then uploads into Canvas.  Students would then view the videos & vote via survey or via discussions and "likes".  Are there any apps to make this less clunky?  There might be up to 20 students in the class, so if the students upload their videos and the instructor has to turn around and repost links to each in a survey, this could be labor intensive for the instructor.  Using the discussion feature would allow students to upload and display their own videos but I don't know how much control there is over the "liking" in a discussion.  Can students only like once?

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