[ARCHIVED] Where do I find Media files Directly Uploaded to a Page?

Community Explorer

Okay, so I saw that someone asked this question previous and it was marked "assumed answered" but the answer does not actually answer the question. So here is the questions again:
Where are the files that are uploaded directly onto a Canvas page, such as a video file, stored? I never knew that uploaded files were stored in different places. Sometimes, I upload a file directly to a page, and sometimes I upload it through the files. area, Now for the first time, I am seeing all these files that I have directly uploaded and I suppose since there are multiple copies because I did not know that they were being stored somewhere other than files, I would like to delete them. They are likely attached to pages in concluded courses, and I suppose i could go through all my concluded courses looking for them, but it would be faster and easier to just find them in a depository (which seems to exist) somewhere. I have already checked in My user files and in my various course files. There is no file labeled uploaded media in either of those places. How do I get to these files?

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