[ARCHIVED] Where to look for icon to creat a video

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I'm asked to provide a 3 minute video for a course and I cannot find the icon...I see it here but not in the course? advice?

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Community Champion

Hi  @joy_bliss  - This is something that you may have to reach out to your instructor about (Help>>Ask Your Instructor A Question within Canvas, or just send an email). It's possible some other students are having the same issue and in that case it's just a matter of adjusting some settings on the instructor's end.

Assuming things are set okay, though, take another look at the official online lesson for students on this topic:  How do I submit a media file as an assignment submission?   It sounds like your instructor is asking you to record something using the tools within Canvas, in which case you are looking for the Media tab described in that lesson.  Also, check the information here: How do I record a video using the Rich Content Editor as a student? , and as that information states, it's really best to use Chrome or Firefox for this, since the Flash-based version using Explorer or Safari can be frustrating to use.  (Personal opinion.)  But you may also be able to just upload a recording that you have made from another device, in which case it's very similar to uploading any other type of file.  This is a bit hard to trouble-shoot remotely within this Community, but also make sure your browser (if using a computer) is fully updated.

On the other hand, if you are doing this from a smartphone, check here for the iOS instructions or here for the Android instructions.   

I hope some of these suggestions might help, Joy, but it could very well be an issue with the assignment setup, as well.

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