[ARCHIVED] free teacher account

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Community Novice

Good afternoon!

I teach for an institution (university) already and I use Canvas.

My question is the following: I am starting to give tutorials (extra source of income) and I would like to know if I can create a course in a separate Canvas to give my tutorials in a free account?

I have done other research for other platforms but Canvas is very user friendly and I feel more comfortable using it.

Thank you,

Tania Adame

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2 Solutions
Community Champion

Hi  @tania_adame  Welcome to the Canvas Community!

As far as I know, you can use your FFT account for almost any purpose, even a commercial one. I am going to ping  @scottdennis ‌, because he recently researched and answered a similar question from another community member.


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You are correct, Sir.  There is nothing in the end user agreement that would prevent you or anyone from using Canvas Free for Teachers for commercial purposes.

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