[ARCHIVED] log in issue

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I’ve lost password to login https://sso.canvaslms.com/login/canvas

My canvas email is k2150616@kingston.ac.uk

I pressed the button "I forgot my password" and "Request the password" - but nothing has came to my email (it is written 30 minutes wait, but more then 3 hours already passed)

Pls, make an advise, what should I do

Zabolotskiy Vladimir

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1 Solution
Community Team
Community Team

Hi! This is likely because your email needs to be re-validated. First, see if there is a small orange exclamation point next to your preferred contact email. If you see it, you'll need help from your local Canvas support team to help clear the error (and manually update your password, perhaps!). In the meantime, it may work to add a back-up email. 

How do I add an additional email address as a contact method in Canvas as a student? 

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